Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beekeeping for Dummies

nterested in raising honey bees? This friendly, practical guide presents a step-by-step approach to starting your own beehive, along with expert tips for maintaining a healthy colony. You get the latest on honey bee medication and treatments, harvesting and marketing your honey, and the impact the sudden disappearance of the honey bee has on our environment and economy.
* To bee or not to bee? — understand the benefits of beekeeping and whether it's right for you
* Build your first hive — gather the right equipment, obtain your bees, and transfer them safely to their new home
* Get up-close and personal — see how to open and close the hive, inspect your bees at the right times, and know what to look for
* Handle common problems — from swarming to robbing to pesticide poisoning, find simple solutions
* Understand Colony Collapse Syndrome — learn what you can do to help save the honey bees
* Gear up for the golden harvest — use the tools of the trade to extract honey, store it, and sell it

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